Sunday, June 5, 2011


I hardly know you, so how torn can I be?
It isn't if I know you like my voice, it is that I know you.
I've known you all my life, since I was a small child.
So how much can I not know you?
The degree of this isn't the matter, but it is this: it is that I know you.
It isn't if I know you like my little hands, or even my tiny footsteps. It is that I know you.
It is that you've been carved into my heart, onto my heart, and into my life.
It is that I do know you, and that I love you.
So seeing you go is hard, seeing you leave like this is mighty difficult.
But I'll hold this head high, knowing it is what you'll want when you are gone.
And I'm comforted by the sweet assurance that I will see your face again, and that I

do know you.

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