Saturday, June 18, 2011

"I Have a Tickle In My Brain,"

     Okay, I am just going to share this little adventure that I had the other day! It was pretty exciting, in my opinion. So, a few weeks ago a young woman about my age commented on one of my posts, asking me to check out her blog. I did out of curiosity and found that I enjoy it quite a bit. We have not had any contact with each other, just reading each girl's thoughts, which is very nice! I was skimming a few days ago and found this quotation, "I have a tickle in my brain. And it keeps making the corners of my mouth point toward the heavens." I read that and automatically loved it, and when I read that it was from a "Jeb Dickerson," I figured I may as well follow the curiosity that was arousing in my mind. I guess I just wanted to know who this man was, what the context of the quotation was, and if "Tori" had just stumbled on it by chance, as I was doing. I googled the name and after a few clicks, I was brought to a website by the name of, "" I do not know what it is exactly, but it seems to be some kind of website started by this, "Jeb Dickerson," to help people start their own websites or blogs and the such. I would encourage you to check it out and just read his, "About," section. Anyway, I saw a section entitled, "Quotes," and thought, Oh! This may be what I'm looking for! I checked it out and read many things that made me smile and many that made me just sit and think for a minute. I finally found the one I was looking for and felt very accomplished and content with the journey I had just completed. I saw at the very bottom of the page an area in which I could comment and saw that others had commented already, so I decided to leave a brief comment explaining my adventure and thanking "Jeb," for the smile he brought my day! I was pleasantly surprised with the different quotes that I read from him and with the information he gave on his website, which I was and am completely uninterested in. Mr. Dickerson also left a comment proceeding mine that made me very glad! He said, 
     "Hi Emily, 
That's the way it often goes online...reading one thing inspires a curiosity that leads to something else, and so on. I'm grateful you kept at it and found me. As for the context of that quote, I wish I could recall, but as with much of my writing, it came from a unique and fleeting thought that has long been forgotten. But if it resonates with you, or anyone else, at any moment along your path, then I count it a success. Thanks so much for taking the time." 
     Curiosity is such a beautiful thing. I don't mean it in its usual, "Curiosity killed the cat," form. I believe that is just being nosy. Being nosy killed the cat. Curiosity would've sparked something in him to do something better with himself. Then again, he's just a cat. So maybe this should only apply to people. Google brought me to a few definitions of the word according to Webster, one being, "the desire to know." That leans a little more to the "nosy" side. Next! Wikipedia shares,
      "Curiosity is an emotion related to natural inquisitive behavior such as exploration, investigation, and learning, evident by observation in human and many animal species. The term can also be used to denote the behavior itself being caused by the emotion of curiosity." 
     So, maybe one would need more information to get a better opinion on "curiosity." I currently stand on the believing side that curiosity is a fantastic and beautiful thing. Once that natural tendency to have the desire to learn and to know steps past boundaries of the beauty and into the selfish part, it then becomes "nosiness," a negative trait or thing. But also, isn't that how everything is? Once we as sinners step into selfishness, the beauty and goodness of God is distorted into sin. We twist it. Satan twists it. My dad and I actually had a conversation about what I was just referring to a few days ago! It was an enjoyable conversation. Anyway, I think I am going to cease my rambling. I am grateful to and amused by anyone who read through to the end of this, and I honestly wish I could have put more time and thought into this to make it smooth and a pretty darn good thing to go over. Ah, well. Have a fabulous night, anyone reading, and thank you for your time. 

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