Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Well, it's my birthday!! I plan to do something with my family, but I don't know if I'll wait for all of my friends to be in town to have a get-together with them or not. That's probably what I'm going to do. I'm also getting a laptop from my parents! 

 I wish I didn't expect a birthday party... I wish I didn't expect gifts or anything on my "special day." We often say, "Oh, you didn't have to get me anything," or "I don't expect any gifts this year." But honestly, think about it. If someone didn't throw most of us parties, we would be hurt. If we didn't get that special cake or ice cream with a new pair of shoes, we'd be disappointed. I do that. And I wish I didn't. But how do you train yourself not to? I'm still thinking about that question and its answer. 

 It feels no different being sixteen. I remember thinking two or three years ago, "I cannot stand how teenagers always want to be OLDER. Why can't people just be happy where they are? They're still kids, anyway. I'll be satisfied when I turn fifteen, dangit." I still think people should be satisfied where we are, and I believe I'm still a kid (and will be until I'm twenty... But I'll still be immature then, I know.), but I wish to be older. I feel like a baby, but it's okay! I won't wish my life away, as they say. Whoever "they" are. People in general, I'm guessing. Or sayings. Whatever. 

 This post is of very low importance, but I figured I should say something, anything, since I "only turn sixteen once." I find all of this humorous, though, myself included. 

 My sweet mother and brother had me take off work early today so that I don't have to work all day on my birthday, which is thoughtful. And I am grateful! 

 I have always said that I would use my "sweet sixteen" as an excuse to throw a huge party, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe I will, but then again, maybe I won't. I'm not really one for parties anymore, anyway. 

 Well, now I will leave you, readers, with a few random wise words (not from myself, of course). 

 Whatever God has called to happen to you, it is to make you more and more like Christ, and He is worth it. 

 Have a great day, and I hope it's not as jumbled as this. But if it is, I hope you learn from it, and I hope you enjoy it at its end. 

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